September is National Self Improvement Month and we’re here to celebrate. At Remilia, we’re all about personal accountability and achieving your goals, which is why we’re so excited to share with you our top 5 tips to improve yourself and boost your overall happiness! Sleep, Food, and Exercise The best way to self improve is to nurture your body. We know you’ve heard it all before, but scientifically speaking, you need a good solid balance of enough sleep, good food, and frequent exercise to keep your body happy and functioning. Don’t blame us, blame the scientists. This month, try your best to set yourself a good routine that consists of a regular sleep schedule, clean food, and exercising at least 150 minutes a week. No one said self improvement was easy! Goal Setting If you’re like most people, and have no idea where to start… why not give goal setting a go? It can help you focus your energy to visulize your goal, and assist you in creating an achievable and specific goal that you can totally achieve! We recommend using the S.M.A.R.T method of goal setting, which stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Based. Specific and Measurable: Think “I want a promotion” over “I want to be successful”. Specific and Measurable goals are achievable goals! Attainable: We’re all for shooting for the moon… but don’t actually, you know, set a goal to shoot the moon. Your goal needs to be do-able, and something you could totally achieve if you put your mind to it. Relevant: Your goal needs to make sense with your life, and your future pathway. It’s not going to be helpful for you to set a goal entirely outside the scope of your reality. Think smart, think logical. Time: Having a clear deadline to achieve the goal keeps you focused and determined, which is important in goal setting. Take a breather It’s super important to schedule in some well deserved me time. Whether that means setting aside some time to read a book, or watching your favorite Netflix show, self improvement means learning how to take a breather when needed and listening to your own body. We suggest lighting up our Cosmo Candle, drawing a nice warm bath, and listening to your favorite podcast… But whatever works best for you is definitely the go-to.